Ch17 26
Hey everybody! Not a lot to say today–Thursday (technically today, when I’m typing this) I managed to finish this page, and have the next five mostly coloured. If I get them done before the end of the weekend, we’ll be recording some stuff on Sunday and doing some bonus Q&A comics. I’m thinking I can probably have at least 3/5 done by tonight and anything I don’t finish can be wrapped up by Saturday night.
Anyhow, can I get everyone to do me a favour? Every month at the beginning of the month, a new voting session starts at top webcomics. I used to have a vote button on this website, but when I redesigned it, I sort of forgot to include it in the design, along with social media buttons (oops!). As a result, I completely forgot about it until I was randomly featured on its twitter account a while back. I frequently hear people lamenting that they don’t have the money to toss a couple of buck at our Patreon, and that is totally okay–this comic is free and will always be free, and our main concern is that you continue to enjoy it. However, if you’ve ever wondered how you could help us out without spending a dime, the best thing you can do is help us get some visibility!
So, if you’ve got a second, please up vote us on TWC! The button below provides a link directly to the correct vote page, and once your vote is cast, you get to see this month’s wallpapers in full! Thank you so much for your continued readership, and thanks to all who do vote. Just in the past day we’ve gone from number two-hundred-and-something down to (as of typing this) spot #82. Let’s see if we can’t get into the top 50!