Woof. So, at this point I’m pretty sure that the universe just doesn’t want me to have a buffer. Yesterday I was finishing up the colours on next Tuesday’s page and the power went out. It then proceeded to stay out for another five hours, and then this morning we woke up to a boil advisory for our well water. I’m going to try and get a bunch of work done today because Cory is home for Canada Day, but I’m going to cut out early so we can go take the kidlet to see some fireworks!
I’ll be spending as much of the weekend as I can working to finish colouring these pages, and once they’re done I’m taking a quick break to do two new wallpapers for July as well as a pinup. Then it’s back to the next batch of pages, which is going to be FUN. So much fun. You guys, stuff that we decided would be happening YEARS ago is happening now and I finally get to draw it!
Anyhow, cheers! See you Tuesday!