Hey readers! Introducing….a character with no name. There was no point in naming this member of the Indigo Caste because it would never be used in the comic itself, but since I have a complicated colour swatch system for every character who shows up, the file needed a name and she’s been dubbed ‘Cupcake’ in all of my files. There are more Indigo characters who will show up throughout this story, and they’re probably all going to get pastry names, too.
Anyhow, I’m just finishing up the last two pages in this batch and hopefully they’ll be posted later tonight or early Saturday morning for patrons. I mostly just have some lettering and cleanup to do, as well as a couple backgrounds on the last page that need some fine-tuning. I’ll be spending most of Saturday doing some fun extra work (wallpapers, pinup, some business card stuff) before I start on the next batch on Sunday–if you wanna give me a hand and help me make some in advance decisions about at least one wallpaper, tell me who your favourite character in this comic is, what Pokemon Go faction you think they’d belong to and what Pokemon you think would be the Pikachu to their Ash in the comments!
Cheers, see you all on Tuesday!