Hey, everyone! It’s Cory again. A couple of nights ago, we sat down for a four-hour, nonstop brainstorming session and plotted out a detailed blow-by-blow of the events in the next two chapters. I’m really looking forward to seeing what […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Archive for comic
Howdy, folks! It’s Cory again. Happy Friday the 13th! We’ve got several more pages in varying states of completion, so hopefully we’ll be able to create a bit of a buffer to avoid further delays. In the meantime, I have […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Hey all, I am mostly back on track! I got all of the rest of this chapter inked and prepped for colour, and managed to get this page done completely today. The rest of my week will consist of colouring […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Hey all! Thursday I got lots of work done–I inked five out of the remaining eight pages, and I intend to finish up the last three pages today and get all eight prepped for colours. For the first time in […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Hey readers. Still a little bit more behind than I wanted to be. We released my Grandpa’s ashes among the tulips at one of his favourite parks on Saturday, and it was sad, but also very nice to see everyone […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Hay all, I am back and ultra productive. I finished this page as well as Friday’s, which I’ll be posting up on Patreon later today. I also finished April’s wallpapers, which will also be posted later today. I wanted to […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Hey, everyone. Cory here. I’m afraid we’ll only have one update this week. Randi’s grandfather passed away on the weekend, and we’re going to need a short while to adjust and say our goodbyes. We’ll be back on Tuesday, and […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
So, I feel kind of bad? Apparently I was so delirious earlier this week that I was finishing up the lettering on “tonight’s” page, and exported it, only to realize that I was actually missing the page in between it […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Keepin’ it short today–we’re all sick and we have cleaned up more vomit in the past 24 hours than we have cumulatively over the past 6 months. Fingers crossed that it has passed by the time I wake up in […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Hi, folks. Cory here. We’re pretty busy preparing for family stuff on Easter weekend, so this author’s note will be short and sweet. See you on Tuesday!
Hey all, hard at work this week. The plan for the next couple of days is to finish up as much or all of the rest of this batch as possible. On top of what I’ve already got done, these […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Hey readers! Getting lots done this week, and tomorrow will be me finishing up all of the stuff in the previews below. Keeping this message short tonight because I am way behind on sleep and that’s where I plan to […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Hey readers! This past week was ultra productive: All comics for this week are done and the flat colours are done for what would have been the rest of the chapter. I say ‘what would have’ because we talked it […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Hey readers. Very busy week. I sketched out two wallpapers, a pinup and all 8 of the remaining pages of this chapter (unless we add another scene, still discussing that). I’m actually going to start the ink phase for all […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Hey all, been fighting a killer cold all week, but I’m still at it. I spent most of yesterday prepping the next batch of pages for sketching (a whole eight pages, aaaahhh), as well as rolling out those wallpapers I […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Hey guys, we’re back. Sorry about the wait–my new stylus took a while to get here, and I didn’t even get to open it for a couple of days after a friend of Cory’s family passed away and things got […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Hey readers, we’re going a bit slow this week. The renovations next door finished and our new neighbours moved in, but because a lot of our utilities and services run through our basement, I’ve spent most of the week waiting […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Hey people! Hard at work here, and you can see below. I just finished sketching out the next 6 pages, and inking starts later today. Should have all inks up for Patrons before the end of the weekend, and at […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Hey all, working hard. Finishing up all 3 wallpapers for February (only one left to go) and working on the next batch of pages. See you Friday! Just added a new NSFW #pinup of Sam to Patreon! https://t.co/LbyWSOGXnu pic.twitter.com/FmqNmLbdwh — […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Hey all, this weekend was pretty non-productive. I’m still finishing up the last of this batch, which will hopefully be done before Friday before I start the next one. Keeping the message short today because I’m actually STILL working right […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…