Archive for comic
Hey all, this is gonna be a quick one–it’s suffocatingly hot and the kiddo is in hysterics because teething. D: Cory wrote some world building notes that I drew some pretty pictures for of everyone’s favourite space snail/lobster/slugs! You should […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Alrighty, so, it’s posted a bit later than usual, but it’s here! I had intended to have everything up and ready to go last night after I got home from Canada Day celebrations, but in retrospect that was a stupid […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Hey all, new page! I was having a discussion today with someone who is interested in writing for comics, and a lot of what we talked about made me want to write a quick article on how WE write them […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Y’know, I thought I had this scheduled and was cursing myself for not adding an author’s note, and when I opened up my browser, it turns out that I actually forgot to upload it at all. Haha…hmmm… Anyhow, gonna keep […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Good evening/early morning! First off, I am delighted to see so many people going through the archives (though the constant alerts on my phone whenever it happens made it really hard to distract my kid with an endless loop of […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Chapter 12 begins! Okay, so first off, the Yiynova and a spare stylus are here! They got her mega fast, and I’ve been using it since Saturday. How has this impacted my work schedule so far? Well, for starters, I […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Hey everyone! Chapter over! We’ll see you next week with the start of Chapter Twelve! Anyhow, I’ve gotten a few emails asking me when the store would be back up, and after having some major issues with Hivemill, Hiveworks decided […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
A gigantic thank you, once again! Just in case you missed it, as a thank you for your generosity and awesomeness, there were three updates last week (the extra one was posted Saturday), so hit back and make sure you’ve […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Okay, so yesterday I asked you guys to chip in to help me get a Yiynova, and holy crap did you ever chip in! I can now afford to buy one the second paypal finishes transferring my balance to my […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Hey all! Three more pages and this chapter is over. Last time around I think I gave people some cryptic sentences hinting at things that would happen in this chapter…and I’m not going to do that because they’d have to […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Hello, everyone! Cory here. It’s been a while since I’ve written an author’s note, primarily because work has been super duper insane, and secondarily because I never have any damn idea what to put in these things. We’re pretty jazzed […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Whew, busy week! Before I type anything else, they’re here: It’s hard to tell from this picture (because I can’t find my actual camera and had to take a crappy phone pic) , but they turned out awesome! I’m still […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Whew, thanks for being so patient guys! This page is done, and I’ve moved the temp comic to drafts while I figure out how to remove it from the main archives. I got lots done this past weekend despite a […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Hey all, not a lot to say again today–about fifty things are happening at once, and on top of that Briar figured out how to crawl the other day and so my waking hours are a series of heart attacks, […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Yay, on time today! I’m working on quite a few things right now that I don’t really want to post about until they’re done/here, so I’ll leave it at that for today; my drawing posture is terrible and it feels […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Whew, well, that was a crazy weekend. Here are some of the weekend’s highlights, and also here is a review that Cory made that had had everyone who has read it cry with laughter. Also, MEN’S SEX MAZE. Anyhow, sorry […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
EDIT: Just a head’s up–I’m going to wait until Friday to update. I have so many last minute things to do before TCAF this weekend, and throw a sick kid into the mix and essentially what is going to happen […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
EDIT: here looking for the page? It’s going to be posted later Friday afternoon or evening–I’m sick as a dog. It’s mostly done, but I need to dump an entire bottle of vicks vapour rub on my torso and attempt […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Okay, just almost 10pm and this is done! Sorry for the wait! SO. This was late because, barring any changes to schedule, the book goes to the printer Monday. The way this was initially going to work was that I […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
IF YOU ARE HERE LOOKING FOR FRIDAY’S PAGE: It’s going to be late. It will be posted before the end of the day, along with an explanation on why it is so late. If I want to have any chance […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Hey all, this week has been busy. I’ve started on hand drawn kickstarter rewards now that my marker refills have arrived, so keep an eye on my tumblr if you want to see them as they are made! I know […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Poor Max. What a crummy day he’s having. Not much of a comment today–my sleep deprivation has caught up to me and I’ve been unconscious since Cory got home from work, and I’m taking a few seconds between the couch […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Hey all, had a nice week? It’s Friday and I am happy to say that I’ve managed to finish this page and three others before the weekend is even here! The plan is to do the exact same thing this […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Not a lot of time for a huge comment–spending every waking second trying to finish 4 whole pages before Friday. I’ve got one completely done except for the word balloons and text, a second almost entirely coloured, and the two […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…